Thursday, June 4, 2009

Time... Huge Garage sale......Mayo..and a lot of fun!

Well, it's Thursday night and Aubrey and I had no idea what we were going to do except that we wanted to go to Harding Academy's garage sale. It was HUGE!!! We had a lot of fun and found some very unique things...and a lot of people!

Well after we went to the garage sale we were on our way home thinking about what we could do..well we came up with the idea of washing our hair in we did! Apparently it moisterizes your we took some before and after pictures to see if our hair looked more moistureized! So if you like what you see, here is the step by step to washing your hair with mayo....
Step 1: put mayo on hair
Step 2: scrub into hair
Step 3: put plastic bag over hair
Step 4: Watch an episode of Friends..or the Office
Step 5: Rinse with COOL hair
Step 6: Wash with Shampoo and Conditioner
Step 7: Dry and Shine!
I guess you could say that is what happens when you have time...a garage sale....and mayo!

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